List of Tamil words in Sango language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Sango language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Sango (also spelled Sangho) is the primary language spoken in the Central African Republic and also the official language of the country. It is used as a lingua franca across the country and had 450,000 native speakers in 1988. It also has 1.6 million second language speakers.
Sango is a creole based on the Northern Ngbandi language. It was used as a trade language along the Ubangi River prior to French colonisation in the 1880s. In colloquial speech 90% of the language's vocabulary is Sango, whereas in more technical speech French loanwords constitute the majority.
Sango is widespread in the Central African Republic, with 350,000 speakers at the 1970 census. It is also spoken as a lingua franca in southern Chad, where it is probably not spoken natively and its use is decreasing, and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where its use is increasing.
Today, Sango is both a national and official language of the Central African Republic, which makes the Central African Republic one of the few African countries to have an indigenous language as an official language.

Clues to read Sango words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; A Dictionary of Sango – by Charles R .Taber, M.A.
English- Sango – Tamil
1.later- ande- pinnaadi
2.formerly- ando – munthaiya
* meet socially- baa tere- paaththiduthar
4.grandmother- ata- aaththaa /full form is aaththaal ; moothaai ;paatti ; moothaatti /old woman .
*5.father- baba- appa
*6.small/ little- kete- kutti
*7.father’s younger brother- kete baba- kutti appa
*8.mother’s younger sister- kete mama – kutti amma
*9.mother- mama- amma
* exclamation of intense surprise- baba- appaa
*11.preserve- bata- paathidu
*12.grass- pere- pur
*13.war- bera- poar
14.frightening- bedc-peethi /fear
15.arrogance- be kota – kottam ; kuthippu ; letters are jumbled.
*16.good- bien – payan
* biere- peerai / water
18.cotton- kotoo – panju kottai
*19.a blow with the fist- kuthboo- kuththu / a blow/ give a blow incite/ animal- dara-thoonduthar
* break- de- udai
22.chop- de- thundidu spit- de- thuppu ; thoo thoo. winnow- dikc- pudaikka reckon- dikc- enniduka read- dikc- oaathuka; padikka . kick- dc- uthai dance- dc- aadu shake-dc-aattu tread- dc- mithi dcdc- aadidu / to dance; aattam- dance stamp on someone’s feet- dc gere-kaar mithi ; letters are jumbled; kaar- leg; mithi- to stamp .
33.give birth- du- peththidu ; eenidu . tie- du- mudi ere- peyar
*36.quickly- fade- pattu nu / right now- - fadeso-eppothu explain- falege- vilakku
*39.pain- finoo- pini
*40.knee- genou- kanu listen – gengime- kavanikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
*42.leg/ foot- gere- kaar
*43.wheel- gere- kaar look for- gi – kaanu
* -gingo- kaanuka
*46.go- goe- yaeku
* crawl- hara- uooru laugh- ha nagia- nakaikka wound- ka- kaayam
50.rope- kamba- akkam
* respond- kiri – kooru answer- kiri tene- kooridu
53.large pot- koto ta- kudam
54.pluck- kc- koeiya
55.debt-kcda- kadan kcli – kaalai /bull hamlet- kctcrc-
* wait- ku – kakka ; letter is read more than once
59.a thousand- kutu –koadi/ crore
*60.sun- la- el ; ellai ; root word is oli- light .
61.a day- la- naal
*62.sun rise- la londo – ellai ezhunthida
* get up- londo- ezhunthidu enter- li- nuzhai enter- linda- nuzhinthidu
66.centre / middle -ndo be- nadu crush – neka- nasukku
68.cordiality- ngia- inakkam
* pound- pete- idi; patti ; podi .
*70.a stake- piquet- aappu kattai ; kattai- stick .
*71.adultery- sara pitaa- soaram poaeida
* boite- petti
* recline- setere- saaither wash- sukula- kazhuvu ; ka= va; va= ka.
* bath- sukula-kuli
* bath- sukula tere-kuliththar
*76.dried fish – kuru ti susu – karuvaadu / dried fish ; fish[E] = paasi /susu .
77.pot- ta- satti
78.sheep- taba- aadu
*79.tailor- tayeer- thaiyar ; tailor[ E]= thaiyalar .
80.bed- tange- thoonnkku/sleep; bed [E] = padu /lie down.
81.grandmother- tara- thaayaar / mother
* te-thuei
*83.body – tere- udar
84.tongue- menga- naakku
85.penis- kenge-kunju kindle fire- tinga wa- thee yaei thoonduka ; thee- fire; thoonduka- to kindle .
*87. take a photo- tirer photo –padam eduththar; eduththar -take; padam-photo[E].
* fight- tiri – ethir contend- tiri – poatti iduthar
* draw water- to – thanni edu ;thanni- water ;edu- take.
* dance a certain Yokoma dance- toro- aaduthar / dancing
*92. forehead- ndo le- neththiyil / on the fore head- neththi- forehead.
* pour- tuku- uooththuka
* agree- yida- yaeththidu
95.adopt/ child- bata- thaththu edu
*96.become- ga- aaku cadeau- kodai ;letter ‘ca’ is read as ‘ka’ and not as ‘sa’ .
98.bribe-cadeau; kai uoottu ; ;letter ‘ca’ is read as ‘ka’ and not as ‘sa’ .
*99.but -na- aana
*100.decorate- leke pendere- azhuku pannuthar / to make beautiful ;azhaku- beautiful ; pannuthar- doing ; koalam punaithar ; letters are jumbled; leke- koalam; letters are in reversed order; koalam- appearance; punaithar- to decorate..
101.deep- linda- aazham aanathu ; aazham- depth .
*102.dip/ liquid- to- thoaiththidu
*103.garlic- ail – ulli
*104.hole- du – oaattai da- idam
*106.itch – sara- soriya / itching
*107.month- mois- maasam ruin- foutu- idi paadu /ruins; letters re jumbled.